Project Ultrasound
According to The Who 2/3 of the world is without access to diagnostic imaging. That means no CAT or CT scans, no MRI’s in times of need.
We make it a priority on our missions to leave rural clinics and urban centers without access to body imaging capacity with full body scanning ultrasounds as well as holding ultrasound training courses where local staff and medical students are able to practice and learn this life saving technology with our volunteers.
We stay in close touch with partners, volunteers, making a commitment to keep in correspondence with communities they served to increase their diagnostic capacity.
Emergency Project intends to a change the face of diagnostic imaging and education in the developing world. Working with our partners Butterfly Ultrasounds, we bring the latest ultrasounds and tablets with us on missions to educate local medical volunteers and staff.
Butterfly’s new Scan mobile education app provides written walkthroughs and animations provide guidance and direction, illustrating proper probe placement. Reference scans provide a high quality example to compare side-by-side with live scanning.
POCUS aka point of care ultrasonography:
Medical schools are teaching it, training programs are requiring it, professional socieities are recommending it, lives are being saved because of it.
To find out more about Project Ultrasound and how you can help us modernize global health through ultrasound access and training in the places with the greatest need, please email us.